WASLA Volunteer Highlight!
Currently, Blake is working for New Horizons Landscape Design in Redmond, and he really loves the work he does with WASLA. Blake says, “Being involved in WASLA’s SEP Committee has made so many important connections in my life both professionally and personally. It has been a wonderful community and support system as I made my transition from my collegiate life to me professional one. I am so glad that I can be a part of an organization that helps students and emerging professionals alike with that transition as well.” When he is not volunteering his time on the SEP Committee, he enjoys getting out of his apartment to hike the amazing trails the Pacific Northwest offers, catching up with friends, or simply exploring the Seattle area. Thank you for your hard work and commitment in making the SEP Committee such a success. Being the liaison between the EC and SEP has been truly amazing because that means I get to work more with YOU. Keep up the great work, and GO COUGS! Sincerely, Laura Thompson |