2018 Annual WASLA Conference
Motif Seattle, March 16, 2018
8:00 am Landscape Architecture: Vision and Visibility
“Landscape architecture is a profession I discovered by chance after college,” wrote Spirn in the introduction to The Language of Landscape. “Despite its scope and significance, it is, in many respects, an invisible profession compared to the related fields of architecture and engineering. If this book inspires others to enter and contribute to this wonderful profession, I will be happy.”
In her address to WASLA, Spirn will celebrate the strengths of our profession and reflect on lessons from more than four decades’ experience in expanding our resonance.
Anne Whiston Spirn
Speaker Bio:
Anne Whiston Spirn Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Anne Whiston Spirn, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Planning at MIT, is an award-winning author, scholar, teacher, and practitioner. Her books include The Granite Garden (1984), The Language of Landscape (1998), Daring to Look (2008), and The Eye is a Door (2014). Since 1987, she has directed the West Philadelphia Landscape Project. In 2001, Spirn received a Japan’s International Cosmos Prize for “contributions to the harmonious coexistence of nature and humankind” in recognition of her life’s work.
For more, see: www.annewhistonspirn.com.