East-Side Storms and the Landscape Architect: The Eastern Washington LID Manual
Friday, May 29 | 10:30 - 11:20am Location: Gala Rooms 3-4
Speakers: Craig Andersen, PLA and Erick Fitzpatrick, PE, AHBL, Inc.
Ecology permits require jurisdictions throughout Eastern Washington to allow, recommend, or require LID strategies to reduce stormwater impacts, conserve water, and protect the hydrologic cycle. The Eastern Washington LID Guidance Manual was developed to provide a common understanding of LID goals and strategies for agencies, engineers, and designers. This presentation will cover the manual’s contents, with emphasis on the Landscape Architect’s role in designing LID strategies and how Landscape Architects will collaborate with Civil Engineers to design the engineering, aesthetics, and establishment of plants and landscape materials for stormwater treatment and erosion control.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about the environmental and regulatory drivers for LID in Eastern Washington.
- Acquire an understanding of LID methods and strategies appropriate for the storm types and climatic conditions of Eastern Washington.
- Understand how Landscape Architects will work successfully with Civil Engineers to design LID sites.
- See working examples of LID stormwater facilities in Eastern Washington.
HSW Qualifications:
This presentation meets LACES Health, Safety, and Welfare qualifications under the following topic areas:
- Stormwater management, surface and subsoil drainage;
- Codes, acts, laws, and regulations governing the practice of landscape architecture;
- Erosion control methods;
- Grading;
- Site design and engineering, including materials, methods, technologies, and applications
Speaker Bio: Craig Andersen, PLA, ASLA, AHBL, Inc.
Craig has designed a wide-range of sustainable landscapes throughout the state, with a particular focus on water conservation and stormwater facilities. He designed LID demonstrations in the Hazel’s Creek Regional Stormwater Facility in the City of Spokane, and LID retrofits for over a mile of Country Homes Boulevard in Spokane County. Craig is engaged in improving the acceptance and quality of LID sites in Eastern Washington.
Co-Speaker Bio: Erick Fitzpatrick, PE, AHBL, Inc.
Erick is passionate about LID approaches to stormwater management, and has provided his expertise to both design and regulatory projects. Erick was instrumental in the Eastern Washington LID Guidance Manual, where he authored the permeable pavement section and led training seminars. He designed Country Homes Boulevard in Spokane County, one of the largest LID bio-infiltration facilities in Eastern Washington.