Social Media Policy
Thank you for choosing to engage with the Washington Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture (WASLA) through social media platforms. Discussions on WASLA social media platforms are meant to stimulate ideas related to the profession of Landscape Architecture, to share related topics, and to notify members of events, articles and pertinent information. WASLA’s limited resources only allow monitoring of social media, not active moderation. Members with questions, suggestions, or other inquiries that require administrative response are asked to send feedback to the WASLA office directly at [email protected].
The social media policy for posting of comments, photos, or messages to WASLA social media accounts and platforms is as follows:
- Comments, posts, and threads that promote, foster, or perpetuate discrimination on the basis of race, religion, age, gender, marital status, economic status, national origin, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation are strictly prohibited and will be immediately deleted without notice.
- Dissemination of illegal materials, files, and/or images is strictly prohibited.
- All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, harassing language and/or images are strictly prohibited and will be immediately deleted without notice. This includes inappropriate spelling using symbols or spaces.
- Unauthorized solicitation or collection of email addresses, business addresses, phone numbers, names, or other personal information of WASLA users for the purposes of sending unsolicited e-mails or communications is prohibited and will be immediately deleted without notice.
- Unauthorized job posts, resumes, or open positions will be immediately deleted without notice. All job posts should be sent to [email protected].
- Unauthorized promotion or advertisement of a business, product, or service is prohibited and will be immediately deleted without notice. Advertisement or sponsorship requests should be sent to [email protected].
WASLA reserves the right to modify the Social Media Policy at its discretion, and without notice. Such modifications will be effective immediately upon posting. All users, by using the WASLA social media platforms, agree to review the rules regularly and to accept these rules.