PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WEBINAR Outdoor Adult Fitness Parks: Best Practices for Promoting Community Health by Increasing Physical ActivityWEDNESDAY | AUGUST 26, 2020 | 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM (PDT) SESSION DESCRIPTION Outdoor Adult Fitness Parks: Best Practices for Promoting Community Health by Increasing Physical Activity This session is designed to help professionals effectively advocate the benefits of outdoor fitness environments as solutions to providing readily available, affordable, and enjoyable ways to exercise in neighborhood parks and destinations. Supportive research, unique benefits, design considerations, and case study examples are outlined to effectively plan, implement, and champion fitness initiatives that provide meaningful outcomes to support community health and wellness. Educational resources and continuing education certificates will be provided. CEUs for a total of 1 Professional Development Hours / .1 IACET / 1 LU AIA (HSW) / 1 PDH LA CES For questions or assistance, email [email protected] PRESENTED BY: MASTER INSTRUCTOR: Jennie Sumrell, M, Ed. SPONSORED BY: HOSTED BY: