Heights District

Project Title: Heights District
Landscape Architect: GGLO
Category: Research, Analysis and Planning
Award: Award of Merit
Location: Vancouver, WA

Tower Mall, built in 1970 with initial fanfare, has languished like others across the country, freezing much of the neighborhood in time while other neighborhoods have evolved and thrived around it.The City of Vancouver, WA seized on the opportunity, purchasing the site and building a partnership with adjacent landowners, stakeholders, and citizens for the planning and community visioning for 63acres of redevelopment envisioned as a new Heights District.

The Heights District represents an opportunity to create a new, vibrant mixed-use neighborhood strategically located in the heart of Vancouver. With easy access to major commercial uses, social services, schools, parks,and downtown, The District is well-positioned for redevelopment as an up-and-coming neighborhood center.

The resulting plan envisions a sustainable, place based, mixed-income, mixed-use neighborhood in this urban edge location.Based on a rigorous community involvement process, the Heights is organized around a walkable mix of uses and building types with a system of urban parks woven throughout, connected by complete streets driven by health and livability.

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