2025 WASLA Professional Awards

Reception Details

The Annual Awards Reception will be held on Wednesday May 14 from 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm
at Georgetown Ballroom, located at:
5623 Airport Way S 
Seattle WA, 98108

Join us in celebrating our colleagues at Georgetown Ballroom, located in the heart of Belltown. Don't miss this evening of good food, libations, and an opportunity to mix and mingle!


Award Descriptions

Award of Excellence may be presented to a single entry in each category for a project that truly stands far and above all other entries and embodies the spirit and understanding that best reflects the Vision and Mission of ASLA.
Honor Award is presented for superior professional accomplishment and a higher level of excellence recognized in the work presented.
Merit Award is presented for superior professional accomplishment.

Award Categories

General Design | Public Ownership

Recognizes: Built, site-specific works of landscape architectural design completed for a publicly owned project.
Criteria: The jury will consider quality of design and execution; design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Typical Entries Include: Public landscapes of all kinds, such as parks, plazas, campuses, streetscapes, trails, historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; stormwater management, sustainable design; design for transportation or infrastructure; landscape art or installation; and more.

General Design | Private Ownership

Recognizes: Built, site-specific works of landscape architectural design completed for a privately owned project
Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution; design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Typical Entries Include: Private landscapes of all kinds (except residential) such as cultural and institutional landscapes, campuses, historic preservation, reclamation, conservation; green roofs and walls, stormwater management, sustainable design; landscape art or installation; interior landscape design; and more.

Residential Design

Recognizes: Built, site-specific works of landscape architectural design for residential use.
Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution; design context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and design value to the client and to other designers.
Typical Entries Include: Single family homes; high rise, multi-family and custom home developments; transit oriented development; historic preservation, renovation or conservation projects; senior or assisted living developments; private or small gardens; new urbanism projects with multifamily development; projects located in Opportunity Zones; and more.

Analysis and Planning

Recognizes: The wide variety of professional activities that lead to, guide, or evaluate landscape architecture design and/or works that investigate challenges posed in landscape architecture, providing results that advance the body of knowledge for the profession. Entries in this category are not required to be built or implemented.
Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of the research, analysis and/or planning effort; context; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; likelihood of successful implementation; and value to the client, the public, and other designers.
Typical Entries Include: Urban, suburban, rural, or regional planning efforts; development guidelines; transportation, town, or campus planning; plans for reclamation of brownfield sites; environmental planning in relation to legislative or policy initiatives or regulatory controls; cultural resource reports; natural resources protection; historic preservation planning; and more.

Urban Design

Recognizes: Projects built or currently under construction that activate networks of spaces that mediate between social equity, economic viability, infrastructure, environmental stewardship, and beautiful place-making in the public and private realm.
Criteria: The jury will consider the quality of design and execution; urban design context; planning context; contribution of project to a broader urban landscape; environmental sensitivity and sustainability; and attention to social justice, equity, and inclusion.
Typical Entries Include: Constructed or partially constructed urban projects spatially greater than one block in the realm of public, institutional, or private landscapes; streetscapes, waterfronts, mixed-use developments, neighborhoods, districts, cities, placemaking interventions and civic improvements that may include elements of reclamation, stormwater management, transportation or infrastructure studies, art, and more.

Community Stewardship

Recognizes: An individual landscape architect, group of landscape architects, landscape architecture firm, or landscape architecture education program who has provided sustained service to the community demonstrating sound principles or values of landscape architecture, or who have developed a working partnership with a community organization to enhance the community and advance the presence of landscape architecture, or who have made significant contributions to the profession and/or to the Washington Chapter of ASLA.
Criteria: The jury will consider the nominee’s sustained value to the community they/it serves and the quality and sustainability of the partnership between the landscape architect/firm/program with the community organization(s); the nominee must be in good standing with WASLA.
Typical Entrants include: Local leaders that have established strong partnerships with local or regional community organizations; landscape architects that have served in a leadership capacity in the local chapter, furthering the mission of ASLA and the profession; or local firms that have partnered with an organization that has impacted the local community in a meaningful way.

Outstanding Emerging Professional

Recognizes: An individual showing promise of making contributions to the profession of landscape architecture through exceptional leadership, design, communication, service, and/or vision. ASLA Washington Chapter involvement, participation, and Board of Directors position(s) will be considered.
Criteria: Nominee must be an emerging professional in their first five years of practice that exceeds expectations and shows promise in making contributions to landscape architecture.
Typical Qualities Include: Demonstrated leadership, design excellence, fluency with clients, community engagement, and service to the profession.

Green Ribbon Award

Recognizes: Projects that embody the initiatives of ASLA's Climate Action Plan & Field Guide. 

Criteria: The jury will consider the size of the impact of the project, how the project engages with and advances the carbon drawdown goals, climate resilience, equity, climate agency and cultural empowerment.

The Jury

The Jury will be comprised of a group from ASLA Texas that represent the breadth of the profession, including private, public, and academic practice, and exemplify diversity in professional experience, geography, gender, and ethnicity.

The jury awards will be by majority vote and not by full consensus. The jury process is “blind”. In other words, the identities of the entrant and creative team are not revealed to the jury. Members of the professional awards jury, as well as the firms, organizations, agencies, or employers they represent, are not eligible to enter the professional awards program. ASLA Washington retains the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet the program requirements or that presents a conflict of interest. In such cases, refunds will not be issued.

 2025 Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor


Pacific Rhododendron Sponsors



American Goldfinch Sponsors


Event Photography