Newsletter Editor
We need a new newsletter editor! Please email [email protected] if you're interested.
WASLA Board of Directors
President Nicholas Zurlini, ASLA
Past President Duane Dietz, ASLA
President Elect
Mike Faulker, ASLA
Trustee Tim Slazinik, ASLA
Treasurer Su Wanqin, ASLA
Secretary Jason Henry, ASLA
Member at Large
Harley Pan
Member at Large, Eastern WA Michael Sanchez, ASLA
Member at Large, Western WA Rhiannon Neuville, ASLA
Dear WASLA Members and Readers,
As we step into the new year, WASLA is gearing up for exciting events and opportunities. I am also trying an innovative and exciting concept in this newsletter: subject headlines! Here's what's in store for January and beyond:
Annual WASLA Awards Submission Deadline, March 15th:
Last year’s Annual Awards was an amazing event, it was inspiring to see our community come out in full force and celebrate the great work that comes out of our state. And luckily, like all our annual events, we will soon hold our 2024 Annual WASLA Awards. The call for submissions has already gone out with a submittal deadline of March 15th at 5:00 PM. We want to celebrate your work, and the only way we can do that is if you press submit!
Volunteers Needed for Annual Conference Committee:
Our Annual Conference is a cornerstone event, and its success relies on the dedication of great volunteers. We are currently seeking enthusiastic individuals to join the Annual Conference Committee. If you have a passion for event planning, curating exciting speakers, and want to play a key role in shaping our conference, we invite you to be part of this dynamic committee. Your insights and commitment will make a significant impact. To express your interest or learn more, reach out to us at [email protected].
2024 Chapter Sponsorship:
Our 2024 Chapter Sponsorship is official! We are so thankful for all our past sponsors who have supported WASLA’s engaging events and look forward to fostering these partnerships and creating new ones in 2024. Sponsorship comes in many forms, whether it means supporting the chapter as a whole or helping one student attend the National Conference, every instance of support makes a big impact. I encourage you all to review the sponsorship package and see if you can give back to our community.
Annual Member Meeting, February 16th:
Mark your calendars for our Annual Member Meeting scheduled for February 16th from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM. This is a valuable opportunity for all members to connect directly with the Board of Directors to understand the benefits that were offered throughout 2023 and actively participate in shaping the future of WASLA. The Annual Member Meeting will be hosted on Zoom, and if you have any questions about WASLA or the ASLA, you are more than welcome to send them beforehand to [email protected] so they can be answered during the meeting.
2024 marks ASLA’s 125th anniversary from its founding on January 4th, 1899. In this milestone of a year, remember that it is your participation that enriches our vibrant community, so thank you all for being a part of WASLA. Here is to another year filled with inspiration, collaboration, and the continued celebration of landscape architecture.
Nick Zurlini
WASLA President
2024-2025 WASLA Academic Scholarship Application
Friday, January 31st, 2024 by 5:00pm
WASLA Academic Scholarships will be awarded to UW and WSU students that anticipate graduating within the 2024-25 academic year. One $3,000.00 scholarship per university will be awarded.
At the end of the online application, please submit a PDF of your 500-word essay in response to the following prompt:
What initially sparked your interest in the field of landscape architecture? How has your personal journey and passion influenced your academic pursuits? Please outline your plans for making a meaningful contribution to the profession of landscape architecture.
Applications must be received by 5:00pm on Friday, January 19th, 2024.
WASLA will announce the recipients in March.
Previous WASLA Academic Scholarship recipients are not eligible. Students must be enrolled in the 2024-2025 academic school year to be eligible. Seniors and graduate students that will graduate in 2024 are not eligible.
Applicants must be ASLA student members. Sign up for a membership (it’s free!) at
Questions? Please email [email protected]
Become a 2024 WASLA Sponsor!
2024 Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available!
Our annual Chapter Sponsor program allows our partners the opportunity to connect with members throughout the year, share their products and services, and show their support for the Chapter.
Our Sponsors gain an edge over their competition through enhanced brand and product visibility and the relationship building opportunities our ASLA Washington Chapter Sponsor Program provides. These packages include the opportunities linked below and special recognition by Chapter Leadership.
Call for 2024 Professional Award Entries!
2024 WASLA Awards
April 18, 2024 | 5:30pm to 9:30pm
Block 41 in Seattle
Award Descriptions
Award of Excellence may be presented to a single entry in each category for a project that truly stands far and above all other entries and embodies the spirit and understanding that best reflects the Vision and Mission of ASLA. Honor Award is presented for superior professional accomplishment and a higher level of excellence recognized in the work presented. Merit Award is presented for superior professional accomplishment.
Award Categories
- General Design|Public Ownership
- General Design|Private Ownership
- Residential Design
- Analysis and Planning
- Urban Planning
- Community Stewardship
- Outstanding Emerging Professional
WASLA 2024 Annual Membership Meeting
When: Friday, February 16th, 2024 from 12pm to 1pm
Are you interested in learning more about how the Washington Chapter of ASLA is governed? Are you curious about the current state of the chapter? Do you want to hear a recap on all the programs, events and services that your chapter has offered over the last year? Do you have an idea for a WASLA program or event?
Then join us for the Annual Meeting! We will be opening up a call-in line from 12pm to 1pm for members of our chapter to listen in, ask questions, and provide comments to current chapter leadership. The meeting will be hosted on Zoom, call in information is below.
Please feel free to email questions to [email protected] ahead of time for the board to answer during the meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial by your location
+1 253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 870 5396 8339 Passcode: 085015
We look forward to hearing from you!
What community engagement practices are most common? How do practitioners decide which ones to use? What barriers or opportunities are there for doing more “community building” within “community engagement” work? Help uncover the answers!
For anyone who works with communities: landscape architects, planners, architects, consultants, government or nonprofit program managers, policy makers, community organizers, and more.
And there’s a prize! A few lucky survey participants will receive a free book from Island Press Books, a non-profit book publisher with amazing books on the built and natural environments.
The Northwest Horticultural Society and the University of Washington Botanic Gardens jointly present
DENDRO FUTURA - The Trees of the Future with Henrik Sjöman
Join international author and tree researcher Henrik Sjöman in an engaging exploration of his newly published book, 'The Essential Tree Selection Guide: For Climate Resilience, Carbon Storage, Species Diversity, and Other Ecosystem Benefits,' co-authored with Arit Anderson. Backed by the latest research, you will learn about the multiple hidden benefits of mature trees in our urban environment, why certain trees excel in specific functions and how to select trees for particular conditions. As our climate changes, the importance of choosing trees for their resilience and other criteria becomes essential. This lecture is suitable for professionals, home gardeners, and tree enthusiasts alike!
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Doors Open 6:30 PM | Lecture 7:00 PM | Book signing to follow
At NHS Hall, Center for Urban Horticulture
DOL Landscape Architects Listening Sessions
The Department of Licensing (DOL) would like to invite you to participate in a virtual listening session to assist us in complying with House Bill (HB) 1301 and your professional license. The intent of the listening session will be to gather feedback on any barriers or concerns facing licensees when getting licensed, why it is working as is, and hear from larger organizations related to the profession. As stated, these sessions will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams. We have included the meeting date, time, and link information. We hope to see you there!
Landscape Architects Listening Session
DATE: January 31, 2024
TIME: 11:00am – 11:55am
DURATION: 55 minutes
MEETING LINK: Please visit the Landscape Architects News and Updates web page to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting:
HB 1301 “Professional License Review” passed during the 2023 legislative session requests that the DOL submit an annual report reviewing 10 percent of our professional and business licenses. It is recognized by the legislature that:
“Requirements, such as educational requirements, fees, and training hours, which an individual must fulfill before receiving a license to practice in a profession, can create barriers to an individual's upward mobility and freedom to pursue their profession of choice.”
It is the intention of this listening session to hear from our licensees about any barriers they may face to licensure, so that future recommendations may be made, “To ensure that the rights and well-being of current and future practitioners of the profession be given full protection from unnecessary regulatory burden and that regulations meant to safeguard public health and safety are still warranted.”
What is the professional license review act?
In the 2023 Legislative Session, HB 1301 “Professional License Review” passed, requiring the Department of Licensing (DOL) to: “annually review and analyze approximately 10 percent of the professional licenses regulated by the department and prepare and submit an annual report”. This process will provide a review of all business and professional licenses in 10-year cycles.
What professions are being reviewed?
For the 2024 reporting cycle, DOL will be reviewing the four following professions:
· Court Reporters
· Employment Agencies
· Landscape Architects
· Whitewater Outfitters
What are we doing?
DOL is beginning the review of the indicated professions, which includes stakeholder outreach. This notification is serving as a beginning awareness of the review. We will send further communications as needed. For the detailed requirements of the review, please read HB 1301 “Professional License Review”.
When will these changes be implemented?
The research and planning for the report are currently being conducted. The first report is due to the legislature August 31, 2024.
What’s next?
Licensees should expect minimal to no impact while DOL conducts the review. As stated, further communications will be provided as needed. Once complete, the report will be made available to the public on the Department of Licensing website starting in late 2024.
Please direct any questions or concerns to: [email protected]
Members now have access to free monthly PDH live webinars and recordings via ASLA Online Learning. | Read More
A very warm welcome to our new and renewing WASLA Members:
Aaron R. Luoma | Amanda J. Bailey | Ana C. Garcia
Andrew J. Rasmussen | Anna O'Connell | Bernie Alonzo | Chris McBride Christine M. Abbott | Christopher L. Overdorf | Hassan Mousa
Jackson Blalock | Kathleen B. Reader | Laura Enman
Laura McKnerney Zanetto | Mary Gardocki | Michael P. Walton
Nick P. Hagan | Patricia Lenssen | Paul B. Crane | Richard Hartlage Robert W. Droll | Trish Almeida | Vinita Sidhu | Will C. Shrader