President's Message David Stipe, ASLA, LLA
Are you ready to serve the profession of landscape architecture in the State of Washington? I hope the answer is yes. Many of you may not realize how important being an advocate for our profession is. WASLA and ASLA are focused on providing elected officials and the general public with information about our profession, the benefits of engaging LA practitioners in conversations about the environment, community and site design, along with so much more. Our members and volunteers also advocate for programs and initiatives that affect our profession, funding for projects and those that have a direct impact on quality of life at the local level. Involvement in your membership organization can and perhaps should extend past simply writing your membership dues check every year. Are you interested in strengthening the stature of your profession? At the beginning of July, the WASLA office sent out a call for nominations to serve on the executive committee.
Editor's Note Stephanie Stroud
This month, America turned 239. It’s a short number of years compared to some countries, but America is not like other countries. We do not have ancient temples, and we do not have the golden pyramids, nor crumbling relics of monarchies long past. Our country is new and still finding its voice. Heck, we make a lot of mistakes. But, while there are pubs in England that are older than our nation, we have something incredible that our global neighbors do not have. We have beautiful, provocative and wild landscapes: the deep, echoing Grand Canyon, the awe-inspiring Yosemite, fierce flowing rivers, mighty volcanoes, serene mountain passes, forests of fiery fall color and fields of whispering grasses of purple and gold. These are our national treasures, and we adore them.
It's Hot ... Cool Off with Happy Hour!

The WASLA Executive Committee is pleased to invite you to join us for happy hour, Thursday, July 23rd from 5:30-7:30 PM at Site Workshop, located at 222 Etruria St #200, Seattle, WA 98109.
Our happy hours are not just for emerging professionals, but are a chance for all members and non-members engaged in or pursuing the field of landscape architecture to network, see old friends, meet new faces and potentially scout new talent, and to provide much sought after mentoring advice to those trying to make their way in our field. We hope you will join us!
Victor Stanley Invites You to Tour the Factory!
Victor Stanley, our WASLA platinum level sponsor would like to fly you out to visit their factories and see the DC area and Annapolis Naval Academy. Each year Victor Stanley hosts groups of 10-12 people with guests flying in on Friday or Saturday, depending on the distance, and departing on the following Tuesday. Victor Stanley takes care of the airfare (purchasing the tickets) and the hotel rooms. They also cover all the meals and the only time that guests might need to pay for a meal would be the free night in Annapolis on Monday evening. They also try to put everyone on the same flight schedule to make it easier for transportation to and from the hotel, but if someone needs to leave earlier or has a schedule change, they do their best to accommodate everyone the best they can.
Become a Seattle Park(ing) Day Sponsor!

Your sponsorship provides direct help for community groups to engage in public space design by creating a pop-up park for PARK(ing) Day! A sponsorship of $250 will cover the required fees for three pop-up parks.
To sponsor, contact Amber Raynsford at [email protected].
Are You a Hiring Professional?
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Each year, the journal DesignIntelligence publishes an industry ranking of design schools around the country based on a survey sent to hiring professionals and firms, asking their opinions as to which schools best prepare students for the profession and what they look for in new grads.
The survey this year is due Friday, August 21. Please fill out the survey using the following link.
Prof. Hu Presents: The Shan-Shui Mountain-Water City

Monday, July 27th - 4pm Presentation | 5:30pm Social
Location: Seattle, WA, To Be Announced
Herrera invites you to a special presentation by Professor Jie Hu. China is experiencing urbanization at a scale previously unseen in world history. Much of the new urban development is very international, rather than Chinese, in character. Prof. Jie Hu will discuss how the Tsinghua Tongheng Planning and Design Institute attempts to infuse projects with both 21st century ecological science and the spirit of Chinese culture and tradition, especially the Shan-Shui (Mountain-Water) City Concept.
Support the Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund for Landscape Architecture

For over four decades, Kenichi Nakano graced the Pacific Northwest with exceptionally subtle and inviting modernist design, generously contributed to community and civic life, and mentored generations of students and professionals of all disciplines.
On August 8, 2012, we lost our teacher, mentor, and friend all too soon.
Your gift in memory of Kenichi to the Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund will leave a lasting legacy and support outstanding students in the University of Washington's Department of Landscape Architecture.
UW Landscape Architecture Internship/ Practicum Portal
UWLA PAC, Internship + Research Committee
The Landscape Department at the University of Washington has been working hard on providing its students with valuable resources that can better connect them with local employers for internships and practicum opportunities.
Prior to developing these resources we sent a survey to our local employer list to get feedback on what firms wanted and if they would use specific resources. We took this information and over the summer developed a space where employers can submit internships and practicums and positions to a page that is only accessible by our students...