Editor's Note Stephanie Stroud
It's nearly summer-warm, triumphant summer-and the landscape is alive with sound and color! I hope you're making use of your lunch breaks and those glorious weekend days, because although landscape architects design exterior spaces, we find ourselves inside and seated, our backs slouched, eyes droopy, a pile of discarded coffee cups beside us...um...an awful lot. So here's my reminder to you, if you need one, to get outside and take a deep breath of fresh air, if only for a few minutes. As LAs, you're hopefully aware of the numerous health benefits of going outside (vitamin D, improved mood, helps your vision, fresh air, etc). But landscape architects are creative types, and we make our livings based on the work we produce with our minds at our desks. So what to do?
Call for Nominations to be Announced Soon
ASLA Members, please be watching for an email soon that will formally announce that nominations are open for positions on the Washington Chapter Executive Committee. There are five position openings available this year: Member-at-Large Western Washington, Member-at-Large Eastern Washington, Member-at-Large, Chapter Treasurer and Chapter Secretary. Voting for President Elect and Chapter Trustee will happen next summer (2017) as those terms are completed.
Changes in Leadership at WASLA
Recently, Chapter President David Stipe relocated to Salem, Oregon to work for Oregon State Parks. David has resigned and the Executive Committee (EC) has named Marieke Lacasse as acting President until this October when President Elect Laura Thompson will take over as President. Marieke leaves a Member-at-large position for which the EC has designated Tim Slazinik to fill until October. The EC also named Lara Rose to fill a second vacant Member-at-Large position until the end of the current term in October 2016. Tim works at GGLO and Lara at Walker Macy's Seattle office. Currently, Julia Culp is the Eastern Washington Member-at-Large.
Park(ing) Day is Back on September 16
For one day this September, citizens around the globe will participate in PARK(ing) Day, temporarily turning on-street parking spaces into public places. The purpose of this event is to raise awareness about the importance of walkable, livable, healthy communities and to re-think how our public streets can be used. As landscape architects, this is a huge opportunity to showcase our profession and what we do as a whole. As such, WASLA would like to see strong community participation throughout the state. Are you interested in the idea of PARK(ing) Day, but not sure how to start "putting the wheels in motion?" WASLA is here to help you with the process.
Summertime Happy Hour!
When: July 14, 5:30-7:30 PM Where: Stay tuned!
Summer is here! And what better way to celebrate than with our friends and sponsors, Maglin Site Furnishings! We are working on an awesome *summery* location, so stay tuned, but mark your calendars for fun, sun, and site furnishings. Oh, and drinks of course...
LAF Announces First LAF Medal and Founders Award Recipients
The Landscape Architecture Foundation (LAF) is delighted to announce the first recipients of its new LAF Medal and Founders Awards. These two annual awards honor individuals and firms/organizations that have made a significant and sustained contribution to the LAF mission of supporting the preservation, improvement and enhancement of the environment.
City of Shoreline: Interurban Artscape

CALL FOR OUTDOOR ARTWORK Deadline for entries: June 12, 2016
Ken Struckmeyer Student Scholarship Endowment Fund
After 40+ years of service to Washington State University and his students, Ken Struckmeyer has retired. His jovial and caring presence on campus is greatly missed. To honor Ken's career as professor, coach, mentor, and colleague; an endowment has been established in his name, the Ken Struckmeyer Student Scholarship Endowment Fund. The endowment is awarded to students who are aspiring declared majors in landscape architecture.
Support the Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund for Landscape Architecture
For over four decades, Kenichi Nakano graced the Pacific Northwest with exceptionally subtle and inviting modernist design, generously contributed to community and civic life, and mentored generations of students and professionals of all disciplines.
On August 8, 2012, we lost our teacher, mentor, and friend all too soon.
Your gift in memory of Kenichi to the Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund will leave a lasting legacy and support outstanding students in the University of Washington's Department of Landscape Architecture.
UW Landscape Architecture Internship/ Practicum Portal
UWLA PAC, Internship + Research Committee
The Landscape Department at the University of Washington has been working hard on providing its students with valuable resources that can better connect them with local employers for internships and practicum opportunities.
Prior to developing these resources we sent a survey to our local employer list to get feedback on what firms wanted and if they would use specific resources. We took this information and over the summer developed a space where employers can submit internships and practicums and positions to a page that is only accessible by our students.