March 2023


Visit the WASLA Event Calendar for more information on events.

Newsletter Editor

We need a new newsletter editor! Please email if you're interested.

WASLA Board of Directors

Nicholas Zurlini, ASLA

Past President
Duane Dietz, ASLA

Marieke Lacasse, ASLA

Su Wanqin, ASLA

Jason Henry, ASLA

Member at Large
Maureen Colaizzi, ASLA

Member at Large, W. WA
Mike Faulkner, ASLA

Member at Large, E. WA
Joshua Tripp, ASLA

Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

Newsletter Sponsor

President's Remarks

Dear WASLA Members and Readers,

Hard to believe it is March already, for some reason February always feels shorter than the other months…

We held our first Conference Committee meeting earlier this month with a group of fantastic member volunteers. Our venue this year opens the door to unique opportunities, frameworks, and approaches to the traditional “lecture-style” format of our conferences, which is both exciting and challenging as we put together the event. Regardless of the venue, what makes an engaging conference are the sessions presented by our members.

The WASLA Conference will be happening on September 15th, a month sooner than normal as National ASLA pushes its conference date back. That means the timeline for the call for presentations will come sooner too. Although the call for presentations is not officially out, I hope you all can start to think about projects, topics, innovative practices, new technologies, lessons learned, and inspiring individuals that can be a part of this year’s conference and submitted when the call does go out.

As always, my mind is thinking ahead by a few months. We have not officially released this call either, but we will have some elected positions opening on the Board of Directors this year. WASLA thrives when we have active volunteers, and we succeed when new ideas and people are brought into the fold. I hope you will consider running for one of these positions when the call goes out.


Nick Zurlini

   WASLA President

2023 WASLA Awards Reception

April 20, 2023 | 5:30pm to 9:30pm

Wisteria Hall at the WA Park Arboretum

Join us in celebrating the work of our colleagues at the beautiful Wisteria Hall at the Washington Park Arboretum.

There will be food, libations, and an opportunity to win 2 tickets to the MLB All Star Game in Seattle on July 11th, compliments of our friends at Pacific Earth Works!

Become a 2023 WASLA Sponsor!

2023 Awards and Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Now Available!

Our annual Chapter Sponsor program allows our partners the opportunity to connect with members throughout the year, share their products and services, and show their support for the Chapter. Our Sponsors gain an edge over their competition through enhanced brand and product visibility and the relationship building opportunities our ASLA Washington Chapter Sponsor Program provides. These packages include the opportunities linked below and Special recognition by Chapter Leadership.

April 28, 2023

5:30 pm in Gould Hall Court

OUT in FRONT: Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, is a fresh take on a favorite biannual event by the UW Landscape Architecture Professional Advisory Council. OUT in FRONT is a showcase for local firms to share innovative and exciting design work with students and the larger professional design community. This year’s event encourages professionals to share work that highlights JEDI principles, practices, or inquiries. Join us for light snacks and beverages to kick off the showcase.

Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) 2023 Challenge Competition

For the 14th annual HALS Challenge competition, the Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) invites you to document Working Landscapes. Historic “working” or “productive” landscapes may be agricultural or industrial and unique or traditional. Some topical working landscapes convey water for irrigation or provide flood control. Please focus your HALS report on the landscape as a whole and not on a building or structure alone. For this theme, the HAER History Guidelines may be helpful along with HALS History Guidelines.  For more information visit the link below.  If you have any questions, please email Duane Dietz at

Deadline to submit short format histories: July 31, 2023

Awards will be presented: October 27-30, 2023, during the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture in Minneapolis

Free PDH of the Month

Members now have access to free monthly PDH live webinars and recordings via ASLA Online Learning. | Read More

Welcome Members!

A very warm welcome to our new and renewing WASLA Members:

  • Jason M. Anderson
  • Megan Atkinson
  • Leslie Batten
  • Biruk Y. Belay
  • Benjamin J. Berkman
  • Scott Boetjer
  • Neil Buchanan
  • Ann Dinthongsai
  • John R. Evans
  • Reid Farnsworth
  • Eric Higbee
  • Anne C. James
  • Kristine Kenney
  • Marieke Lacasse
  • Andrea Leuschke
  • Nathaniel T. Lowry
  • Kelty M. McKinnon
  • Belle Miller
  • Jake Minden
  • Ginger Plaster
  • Sara Raab
  • Justin Roberts
  • Ryan B. Storkman
  • Yuchiro Tsutsumi
  • Rhys E. Van Bemmel
  • Richard Ward
  • Yiqing Wu

Interested in becoming a member?  Learn more  about benefits of membership. Join today!

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