Totem Lake Park, an ecological centerpiece for a re-envisioned neighborhoodProject Title: Totem Lake Park, an ecological centerpiece for a re-envisioned neighborhoodLandscape Architect: Berger Partnership Category: General Design, Public Award: Award of Honor Location: Kirkland, WA Description: Totem Lake Park is a 17-acre park providing both recreation and escape as the centerpiece of a revitalized, energized, and growing neighborhood. The design draws its character from the adjacent ecology, expanding the limits of Totem Lake by extending its ecological edges into the newly acquired and developed uplands. The design embraces built park elements as a juxtaposition to the natural landscape. Wonderfully bright playground structures and surfacing contrast with the adjacent tapestry of green wetlands. The accessible playground, the active heart of the park, is ringed by complementary active program and experiences, including a wetland overlook, custom restroom and support structure, and a unique 48-foot-long community table that fosters social interaction. An accessible wetland boardwalk enhanced with art connects to the Cross Kirkland Corridor, a multi-use regional trail that unifies Kirkland’s neighborhoods. |