President's Message David Stipe, ASLA, LLA
May has turned into June in a blink of an eye. We are just a few days away from the summer solstice and a long productive season for our profession. The highlight of May for me had to be the WASLA Conference held in my hometown, Wenatchee, Washington. It was a great event and very well attended, considering it was the first time our annual conference was held on the east side of the Cascade Crest. I have to make this distinction ‘Cascade Crest’ because many of you in the Puget Sound region consider the eastside to be Bellevue, Issaquah, Redmond, etc.
Attendance and participation by vendors at the conference were critical metrics in the ExCom evaluation of the conference and by all measures the conference was a success. It needed to be, so we can continue to take the show on the road. Over the last year or so we have been discussing a plan to host the membership at a conference somewhere outside of the Puget Sound Region every other year. Following the performance of Meet in the Middle, we are feeling pretty good about our plan. In the coming days and weeks we will be sharing more information about the 2016 conference.
Editor's Note Stephanie Stroud
A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of attending WASLA’s annual conference with many of you in the warm, golden city of Wenatchee. The theme of the conference was aptly titled “Meet in the Middle,” given that Wenatchee is smack-dab in the middle of Washington, and because landscape architects are so often working to interpret design problems and find a middle-ground that accommodates all parties of a project. As you know, this may include engineers or a home owner, a project manager or an architect, and on public projects it could not only extend to all humans that use the land, but wildlife and the many complicated environmental components of the earth as well.
Victor Stanley Invites You to Tour the Factory!
Victor Stanley, our WASLA platinum level sponsor would like to fly you out to visit their factories and see the DC area and Annapolis Naval Academy. Each year Victor Stanley hosts groups of 10-12 people with guests flying in on Friday or Saturday, depending on the distance, and departing on the following Tuesday. Victor Stanley takes care of the airfare (purchasing the tickets) and the hotel rooms. They also cover all the meals and the only time that guests might need to pay for a meal would be the free night in Annapolis on Monday evening. They also try to put everyone on the same flight schedule to make it easier for transportation to and from the hotel, but if someone needs to leave earlier or has a schedule change, they do their best to accommodate everyone the best they can.
WASLA Volunteer Highlight
This month, I am pleased to highlight one of my great friends, my birthday twin, and one of my classmates from WSU, Blake Erlandson. Blake is being highlighted this month for his outstanding work as the Student and Emerging Professional Committee chair, a position that he has held for three years. In this role, Blake works closely with student chapter presidents and the landscape architecture faculty at the state Universities; primarily his alma mater, Washington State University. Each month he is responsible for organizing and leading the SEP conference calls in which he assists in making decisions on committee budgets, programs, and socials for emerging professionals and the LA students at both universities. Just recently, Blake assisted in writing the student scholarship to send one student from each university to the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo.
September 18th: Design for Equity
#SDF2015 / How do you ‘Design for Equity’?
Equity (ˈek·wə·dē/) noun: the quality of being fair and impartial.
For one week in September, the 2015 Seattle Design Festival will explore equity issues across design disciplines. Make landscape architecture part of the discussion. Opportunities are available to give a talk, host an event, plan an activity, and more. Check out the SDF website for details, or reach out to Design in Public at [email protected].
WASLA Jury Selects UW Awards Winners
Congratulations to student award winners at the University of Washington!
Three juries, comprised of WASLA members, reviewed three sets of projects at the University of Washington. The first was on May 13, 2015. The jury’s comments were written and sent to all of the award recipients:
MLA Thesis
Jordan Lewis -- Honor Revealing Wastewater Ecologies
Cayce James -- Merit Rainier Beach Urban Farm and Wetlands: Strengthening Diversity for Community Resilience
Mike Schwindeller -- Honorable Mention Negotiating Ballard's Missing Link of the Burke-Gilman Trail: How Bicycle Infrastructure Can Integrate A Sustainable Design Solution
Join the iAdvocate Network
The ASLA has an active and effective Federal Advocacy Program that needs your support. The iAdvocate Network and a range of Advocacy Tools are available at and through the Government Affairs tab at WASLA is working to provide local tools for advocacy use in Washington State. Please join the network. You will receive emails when action is needed, and it couldn’t be quicker and easier to use. You will be linked directly to your Senators and Representatives and provided with draft messages that you can modify, edit, or send as is.
Landscape Architect in the Wild: Michael Popiwny
Last Spring, I attended the APA conference session at Brightwater, an award-winning planning project slash education facility slash salmon restoration habitat slash community park slash odorless wastewater treatment plant in Woodinville. Michael Popiwny hosted the workshop and explained his leadership of the meticulous planning and mitigation process which included heaps of public meetings that shaped the design of the plant. He was in charge of the community input, as well as orchestrating all of the designers, engineers, artists, and contractors involved in creating the project. After the workshop, I was curious about his path from landscape architecture to managing such a large and expensive public project. I asked him to meet for an interview, and a few weeks later he and I sat down in Zeitgeist coffee in Pioneer Square to have a conversation about his work.
Support the Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund for Landscape Architecture
For over four decades, Kenichi Nakano graced the Pacific Northwest with exceptionally subtle and inviting modernist design, generously contributed to community and civic life, and mentored generations of students and professionals of all disciplines.
On August 8, 2012, we lost our teacher, mentor, and friend all too soon.
Your gift in memory of Kenichi to the Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund will leave a lasting legacy and support outstanding students in the University of Washington's Department of Landscape Architecture.
UW Landscape Architecture Internship/ Practicum Portal
UWLA PAC, Internship + Research Committee
The Landscape Department at the University of Washington has been working hard on providing its students with valuable resources that can better connect them with local employers for internships and practicum opportunities.
Prior to developing these resources we sent a survey to our local employer list to get feedback on what firms wanted and if they would use specific resources. We took this information and over the summer developed a space where employers can submit internships and practicums and positions to a page that is only accessible by our students...