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In This Issue...
President's Remarks ASLA Listens - New Forum for Student Members 2020-2021 WASLA Board Election Results Join Puget Soundkeeper’s Virtual Marine Cleanup Great American Outdoors Act Votes Next Week! Washington State Landscape Architect Board ASLA Membership During COVID-19 Welcome New Members! Current Job Postings Support Endowed Scholarships
Newsletter Editor
Devin Johnson
WASLA Board of Directors
President Tim Slazinik, ASLA
President Elect Duane Dietz, ASLA
Trustee Marieke Lacasse, ASLA
Treasurer Dean Koonts, ASLA
Secretary Maren McBride, ASLA
Member at Large Michael Lipko, ASLA
Member at Large, W. WA Nicholas Zurlini, ASLA
Member at Large, E. WA Steele Fitzloff, ASLA
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President's Remarks![](
Tim Slazinik
Dear WASLA Members and Readers,
2020 continues to be a unique and challenging year for all of us. We continue to monitor the COVID-19 Pandemic and are working to implement and share online opportunities for our members. Additionally, 2020 is a year of introspection. At ASLA and WASLA we value all members and voices. ASLA has created online forums regarding diversity in the profession, student members, and more. Links to these forums will be posted below, and we encourage all members to engage in dialogue with ASLA as we navigate the path forward.
Additionally with our WASLA election coming to a close, I am reminded to ask for all of you to find a way to engage and volunteer at the local level. We are always looking for new voices and new energy within our committees and our board. We are made better by each volunteer, and I hope you will find the time to give back to your profession and community. I want to extend congratulations to all of our newly elected board members, and look forward to seeing your contributions when you take office come October. The results of the election are listed below. Thanks to everyone that ran for office, and I hope those that were not elected will stay engaged and find a place to contribute to WASLA!
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Tim Slazinik WASLA President
ASLA Listens - New Forums for Student Members
ASLA Listens is a new Forum website that offers student members a place to be heard, and engage in meaningful discourse about the topics that are impacting our profession. Please take a moment to engage and discuss what is important to you.
2020-2021 WASLA Board of Directors Election Results
Voting closed and we are proud to present the newly elected members of WASLA's Board of Directors:
- Marieke Lacasse, ASLA, Trustee, term ends 2023
- Dean Koonts, ASLA, Treasurer, term ends 2022
- Jason Henry, ASLA, Secretary, term ends 2022
- Steele Fitzloff, ASLA, Eastern Washington Member-at-Large, term ends fall 2021.
- Nicholas Zurlini, Associate ASLA, Western Washington Member-at-Large, term ends fall 2021.
- Kiwon Suh, ASLA, State-wide Washington Member-at-Large, term ends fall 2021.
TRUSTEE Marieke LaCasse, ASLA
Marieke Lacasse, Principal and Senior Landscape Architect, GGLO, Washington State chapter of ASLA Trustee Being involved matters. Getting representation for the state of Washington to ASLA national is important. I have been involved with WASLA for 6 years now, currently as the Trustee, but also on various committees and as President, when I stepped in to fill a vacated position. I chaired an Awards Reception, was on the Events Committee, and now focus on sponsorships. I am on the leadership committee for ASLA, where I have served for two years. I decided to run for trustee 3 years ago after taking action on a treat to our licensure, HB-1361. At the time, I organized a panel and testified on behalf of WASLA at the Public hearing in the House Committee on Business & Financial Services. Experiencing our legislature first hand was a great awakening. After serving as Trustee for over 2 years, I have a strong grasp of ASLA’s innerworkings, and have brought our voice to discussions and decisions. Most recently, we voted on making student membership free – a decision that makes so much sense in these difficult times. My focus for the coming months and years:
- Better engage students and emerging professionals in WASLA and ASLA
- Stay connected during COVID-19
- Understand immediate and long-range actions
- Provide leadership that is inquisitive, respectful, inclusive
- Futureproof landscape architecture by advancing awareness, visibility, influence and diversity of the profession
- Use data to make informed decisions
- Promote ASLA’s Climate Action Plans - environmental resource management, resilient design, sustainability at all scales and carbon neutrality
With my +20 year practice and +6 year WASLA volunteer experience, I have a balanced view of Washington and ASLA issues, opportunities and challenges, and have represented the interests of the state in a persuasive manner. I would be honored to be re-elected for another term and represent the interests of Washington’s landscape architecture community.
As a Principal at Hough Beck & Baird Inc. (HBB), Dean brings more than 20 years of experience designing spaces primarily in the public realm in both large- and small-scale infrastructure projects. His project work focuses on a variety of multidisciplinary projects including transit, transportation, waterfronts, higher education, parks/trails, land use code development, and planning. He has also received certification as a ‘Crime Prevention through Environmental Design’ Professional Designation (CPD) through the National Institute of Crime Prevention and specialized CPTED training with the National Crime Prevention Council. His leadership development and small business management expertise brings organizational and strategic skills to his position on the Board of WASLA.
As a principal with Berger Partnership, Jason has built a practice around urban ecology and integrating ecological themes into the urban environment. Over the past twenty-four years his experience has involved every level of project development from master planning through construction completion for a wide array of project typologies, all bound by the philosophy that his work is an opportunity to educate people about the environments and communities in which they live while enriching their daily lives through placemaking and meaningful design. His collaborative work style and passion for creating lasting and memorable environments is evident in all of his work.
Steele began his design career in Spokane, Washington, after having graduated from Washington State University. Steele is currently a part of the landscape architecture team at Bernardo Wills Architects PC. Steele has worked on a wide variety of projects in both the public and private realm, and he has a particular interest in K-12 schools, higher education facilities, parks, and sports complex type projects.
His interest in these projects generally stems from Steele's passion for the outdoors and sports. Following this passion has allowed Steele to be a part of many unique experiences and volunteer opportunities, and in particular, working with youth via coaching and mentoring.
Nicholas is a 2019 graduate from the University of Washington, who received a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree and Minor in Architecture.
At the University, he served as Co-President for the University of Washington Student Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture and discovered one of his greater passions exists in community outreach and engagement. He sought out ways to improve communication between students and faculty, connect his peers with professionals, and engage the community around him.
Nicholas hopes to integrate these passions into his career, and engage the profession with new typologies and frameworks of youth outreach and mentorship, that can better inform design thinking and build future generations of landscape architects.
Kiwon’s aptitude for creative spatial thinking and big picture design awareness led him to Landscape Architecture, a craft he’s passionately been executing since 2009. A graduate from the University of Washington’s Landscape Architecture program, Kiwon creates spaces that are imaginative, distinct, and implementable. He is acutely aware of how design informs the user’s movement, experience, and interaction with space. Since graduating, he has worked with public to private entities, providing him experience with developers, city officials, and everyone in-between. Kiwon is known for solving tough project challenges, and is an advocate for cross-collaboration.
As a current membership chair for WASLA, I have been involved with the process of renewal and membership retention. I have been working closely with our current president to provide assistance to our current and future members. I have also been involved with a national group of membership chairs in each state to share resources and know-how in how to make membership numbers be higher and how to retain current members through potential exciting programs. I believe State-wide Washington Member-at-Large position is a natural step in helping WASLA more with additional responsibilities.
2020-21 Board of Directors New Slate
(starts October 2020)
Duane Dietz, ASLA, President - term ends 2021 Tim Slazinik, ASLA, Past-President - term ends 2021 Marieke Lacasse, ASLA, Trustee - term ends 2023 Dean W. Koonts, ASLA, Treasurer - term ends 2022 Jason Henry, ASLA, Secretary - term ends 2022 Steele Fitzloff, ASLA, Member-at-Large - term ends 2021 Nicholas Zurlini, ASLA, Member-at-Large - term ends 2021 Kiwon Suh, ASLA, Member-at-Large - term ends 2021
Congratulations and we look forward to working with the newly elected directors!
WASLA Office
Join Puget Soundkeeper’s Virtual Marine Cleanup
In lieu of their usual kayak patrols and cleanups, Puget Soundkeeper has some guidelines for socially distanced cleanup events.
Click the following link for their Recreational Checklist to ensure your safety.
Once outside, participants can practice social distancing AND pick up trash while recreating outdoors and on the water! Be advised – DO NOT pick up needles or any other items that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Make your clean-up event a little more exciting by playing Trash Bingo! Puget Soundkeeper created Trash Bingo cards so you can identify and track the trash collected during your personal cleanup activities. Mark what you find and see if you can get five in a row for Bingo!
Once the cleanup is done, take a picture of your trash, upload it to Instagram or Facebook, tag @Puget Soundkeeper and use the hashtag, #PSKvirtualcleanup.
Report Toxic Pollution and Illegal Dumping
The Department of Ecology recently alerted the public that there has been an increase of hazardous trash being improperly disposed of. When you’re outdoors and notice anything suspicious – such as oil sheens on the water, large pieces or piles of debris on the side of the road, chemical odors and other unusual signs – please take a picture or record a video of the incident and call Puget Soundkeeper’s pollution hotline, 1-800-42-PUGET or fill out their online form. Staff will alert the authorities and follow up to tackle the pollution.
Contact Kristin at [email protected] if you have any questions about volunteer and community science opportunities.
Great American Outdoors Act Votes Next Week!
Next week, the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Great American Outdoors Act. This legislation already passed the Senate 72-25 and the president has agreed to sign it into law. We need your help to ensure it passes the House!
Write your Representative and ask them to support the Great American Outdoors Act!
This legislation would have a lasting impact on federal, state, and local parks and public lands. It would permanently and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Additionally, it would provide funds to the National Park Service and other land management agencies to help them tackle their deferred maintenance backlogs.
Tell your Representative how important parks are to the economy, health, and wellness, and urge them to vote to pass the Great American Outdoors Act next week!
ASLA iAdvocate 636 Eye St NW, Washington, DC 20001 202-898-2444 [email protected]
Washington State Landscape Architect Board
Upcoming Board Meeting - TIME CHANGE:
The date of the next board meeting is Thursday, July 30, 2020 @ 10:00 a.m.. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak (, this meeting will be virtual by either telephone or video conferencing. Staff will post details to the board webpage when they are available.
Information regarding past and upcoming board meetings is available on our website at
Upcoming L.A.R.E. administrations:
For the latest information on the Landscape Architect Registration Exams, please visit the Council of Landscape Architect Board’s (CLARB) Covid-19 Update and FAQ page at
CLARB (Council of Landscape Architect Boards) Announces Change to Annual Meeting:
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, CLARB has followed the lead of other board association groups and has chosen to replace this year’s in-person meeting with a virtual meeting to be held on the afternoon of September 10th.
ASLA Membership During COVID-19
Many of our community are seeing work hours diminish or disappear with projects being postponed, moving at a glacial pace, or at a standstill. Although we have hope things will start moving forward again, many budgets will be tight for many months.
Why spend money on ASLA dues?
We are stronger when we move forward together. That is why. Lobbying for project funding, public awareness, professional education, defending licensure, communication about work opportunities all still need to happen to ensure our profession continues to grow. Most of all, as we have learned during isolation; we need each other.
Stay connected. Join or renew ASLA now
Welcome New Members!
WASLA would like to welcome new member Arielle Farina-Williams! If you are interested in becoming a WASLA member, please click here.
Current WASLA Job Postings
Support Endowed Scholarships
Ken Struckmeyer Student Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund for Landscape Architecture See website for more images + stories.