President's Remarks
Tim Slazinik
May has arrived, and if you are like me, you wish you could be gearing up for summer activities and amazing blooms across the state. While we continue to stay safe and be mindful of our personal health and the health of others, we hope you can find good moments to share. This is the time to hone our skills as creatives, learn more about what is coming in our profession, and share our knowledge with others. At WASLA we are doing our best to provide educational opportunities to our members during these times. We are still monitoring legislation to protect licensure, and reaching out to our new graduates to make membership accessible as they are entering our field during a unique time. We are also looking to start up our digital happy hours in the coming months so that we can all stay connected! We will also keep you posted on our conference as we learn more about how the COVID situation will develop over the summer.
Stay Safe and Healthy!

Tim Slazinik WASLA President
ASLA Is Here for You!
In these difficult times, ASLA has made it a priority to provide immediate support to our members with tools and resources that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Staying connected to your peers and to ASLA resources has never been more important. We recognize that for some of our members, this has not only been a social and professional adjustment, but it has also had financial consequences. ASLA has several options to help keep you connected to ASLA:
Monthly payments: Switch to the monthly payment plan and spread your dues between twelve monthly payments. Monthly payments are available by credit card or ACH transfer.
Limited Status: If you are working 25 hours/week or less, you can qualify for limited status, which discounts national and chapter dues by 50 percent. This option is available to any member with 15 or more years of continuous membership.
Hardship Waiver: If you have lost your job, or you are experiencing other hardship, disability, or special consideration, you may be eligible for full waiver of national and chapter dues. Applicants for a waiver must provide a written explanation with support of the president of their chapter to national ASLA. Waivers are provided in six-month increments and are renewable. Waiver due to unemployment is available for up to two years cumulative over the member's lifetime.
As your membership renewal approaches, keep these options in mind. For more information, contact ASLA customer service at 1-888-999-2752 or [email protected]
Stay safe and take care,
Wendy Miller, FASLA ASLA President
Scotch Broom Census Set for May

The Washington Invasive Species Council, state agencies and researchers are calling for a census in May to help determine the location of Scotch broom throughout the state.
Yellow flowered, Scotch broom is hard to miss when blooming. It can be found in 30 of Washington’s 39 counties. While known to be spread across the state, specific locations and patch sizes are not well documented, leading to the council’s call for a month-long census.
Scotch broom is a problem because it crowds out beneficial native species and clogs healthy habitats. It can form dense, impenetrable stands that are a problem for grazing, farming and recreating and it creates fire hazards. Dense stands may prevent or slow forest regeneration and harm sensitive areas near streams and wetlands. Scotch broom also produces toxic compounds, which in large amounts may poison grazing animals.
While widespread and not likely to be fully eliminated from the entire state, action is being taken to remove Scotch broom from parks, roadsides, forests, riverbanks and other at-risk landscapes. The information from the Scotch broom census will help invasive species managers better understand the needs of landowners and managers.
How to Participate in the Scotch Broom Census
The public is being asked to share information from their own neighborhoods and surrounding environments.
The information can be transmitted easily to the council by using the Washington Invasives mobile app or by visiting
Sightings should include a photograph of the plant that shows enough detail that the plant can be verified by an expert. A description of the size of the patch is also helpful, such as whether the patch is the size of a motorcycle, a car, a school bus or multiple school buses.
Photographs also can be shared with the council on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter by using the hashtags #TheGreatScotchBroomCensus and ScotchBroom2020Census.
“We don’t have the resources at a state or local level to remove every Scotch broom,” said Greg Haubrich, pest program manager with the Washington State Department of Agriculture. “But organizations like your local noxious weed control board can provide education and technical assistance so that you can efficiently and effectively manage Scotch broom on your property. In some instances, there also could be cost-share funding available from your local conservation district to remove your Scotch broom.”
What You Can Do to Prevent the Spread
When around Scotch broom and any other invasive species, care should be taken not to inadvertently spread it to new locations. Each mature plant can produce thousands of seeds, which are viable up to 80 years. Taking precautions not to move seeds on boots, tires, pets or vehicles is very important.
“Scotch broom is widespread, but it is not everywhere,” Bush said. “By taking simple precautions, you can prevent the spread of this invasive species. Clean your boots, bikes, pets, vehicles and other gear before you venture outdoors to stop invasive species from hitching a ride to a new location. Conversely, follow the same practices before you head home to protect your own property.”
People that have Scotch broom or would like to get involved in stopping it can find additional help with an online seminar series June 2-4 being organized by the council and its partners, who are working together to share the newest information from throughout the Pacific Northwest so everyone can better address this shared problem.
Washington State Landscape Architect Board
The next board meeting is currently scheduled for Thursday, July 30, 2020, in Spokane, WA. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, this date and location are subject to change.
Information regarding past and upcoming board meetings are available on our website at
Upcoming L.A.R.E. administrations:
CLARB and its test center partner, Pearson VUE, identified May 23 - June 14 as the “make-up” administration window for the postponed April administration. Due to the continuously evolving COVID-19 situation, Pearson VUE announced extended closures of all US and Canadian-based test centers through May 31. Candidates with appointments scheduled for May 23-31 have been automatically transferred to the August administration. All appointments for June 1-14 are still scheduled.
For the latest information on the Landscape Architect Registration Exams, please visit the Council of Landscape Architect Board’s (CLARB) Covid-19 Update and FAQ page at
ASLA Membership During COVID-19
Many of our community are seeing work hours diminish or disappear with projects being postponed, moving at a glacial pace, or at a standstill. Although we have hope things will start moving forward again, many budgets will be tight for many months.
Why spend money on ASLA dues?
We are stronger when we move forward together. That is why. Lobbying for project funding, public awareness, professional education, defending licensure, communication about work opportunities all still need to happen to ensure our profession continues to grow. Most of all, as we have learned during isolation; we need each other.
Stay connected. Join or renew ASLA now
Welcome New Members!
WASLA would like to welcome new member Sarah Bartosh! If you are interested in becoming a WASLA member, please click here.
Current WASLA Job Postings
Support Endowed Scholarships
Ken Struckmeyer Student Scholarship Endowment Fund
Kenichi Nakano Endowed Scholarship Fund for Landscape Architecture See website for more images + stories.