2017 Annual WASLA Conference
Spokane Convention Center, April 21, 2017 One Day, Dynamic Sessions, Ultimate Location

1:30-2:30 PM The Social and Ecological Legacies of Post-industrial Sites and Their Potential Futures
As cities and towns grapple with repurposing of post-industrial sites, the cheapest and easiest solution is often to demolish existing structures and cart off polluted soils to waste facilities in order to make room for new development. However, a tabula rasa approach misses an opportunity for creating continuity between a site’s history and its potential future. Looking at specific cases in Washington State such as the Bellingham Waterfront development and Hanford Nuclear Site/National Monument decommissioning - both of which are currently underway - this presentation discusses the challenges landscape architects face in preserving historic integrity and collective memory while also addressing the residual pollution often accompanying historic industrial sites.
Lead Speaker:
Kasia Keeley
Speaker Bio:
Kasia Keeley Kasia Keeley is currently completing the graduate program in Landscape Architecture at the University of Washington and has focused her education on the remediation of post-industrial sites. In the fall 2016, she conducted research for the Valle Fellowship in Sweden regarding the ecological and social impact of post-industrial/post-nuclear sites. This work culminated in a seminar presentation, and is being used as groundwork for her master’s thesis focused on the Hanford Nuclear Site and its simultaneous placement on the US Superfund list and the Manhattan Project National Historic Park.
Learning Objectives:
- Become familiar with the current discourse in the field of historic preservation regarding post-industrial structures and community engagement with these sites.
- Learn through specific case studies in WA how different kinds of waste are typically treated and what this means ecologically and socially for the sites.
- Learn about the alternatives to common remediation practices and the ecological and financial balance of these alternatives.

Where History Meets Nature
Spokane Convention Center Spokane, WA