2017 Annual WASLA Conference
Spokane Convention Center, April 21, 2017 One Day, Dynamic Sessions, Ultimate Location
Friday, April 21 |
7:00 - 8:00 am |
Breakfast & Registration |
8:00 - 8:20 am |
Welcome |
8:20 - 9:20 am |
Morning General Session |
9:20 - 10:15 am |
Break with Exhibitors |
10:15 - 11:15 am |
Street Improvements in Two Historic Downtowns: Duvall and Snoqualmie Paul Fuesel, PLA |
Reviving a Forgotten Forest: A Case Study of Preservation, CPTED, and Historic Lower Kinnear Park, Seattle's Oldest Planted Park Aaron Luoma, ASLA; Dean Koonts, ASLA |
Embracing the Indigenous Vernacular: Evolving Cultural Perceptions Through Design Mark Sindell, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP CD+C, LFA; Nakia Williamson-Cloud, Tim Slazinik, PLA, ASLA, LEED GA |
Exploring Earthquakes, Springs, Dams, and a River Restored: Designing a New Wildlife Area on the Columbia River at Beebe Springs Jim Brennan, ASLA; Dennis Beich; Chuck Lennox; Carla Talich |
11:15 am - 12:00 pm |
Break with Exhibitors |
12:000 - 1:30 pm |
Lunch with Keynote Address |
1:30 - 2:30 pm |
The Social and Ecological Legacies of Post-industrial Sites and Their Potential Futures Kasia Keeley |
Regeneration of an Urban Corridor to Plan a Stronger Community Diane Wiatr, AICP; Phoebe Bogert, ASLA; Mauricio Villarreal, ASLA |
(Re)discovering the Slow(er) City in Sneakers: Running as a Tool for Guiding Design in the Virtual Sonice age Elizabeth Umbanhowar, PLA, ASLA, LEEP AP; Noelle Higgins, PLA, ASLA |
Hidden Hydrology as Ecological Inspiration: Exploring Buried Creeks and Disappeared Streams as a Tool for Regenerative Planning and Design Strategies Jason King, ASLA, LEED AP CLARB |
2:30 - 3:15 pm |
Break and Raffle Drawing |
3:15 - 4:15 pm |
Beyond Artifacts: Other Considerations in the Creation of Historically Sensitive Places Clayton Beaudoin, ASLA; Melissa McGinnis; Jim Keller; Adam Kuby |
Evolving Histories: Designing Deeply Rooted, Authentic Places for 21st Century Places Christine Harrington; Spencer Howard; PJ Benenati |
Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture: Lessons Learned - How Construction Informs Placemaking Jill Fortuna; Chihiro Donovan; Brett Rugo; Duane Kreuger |
Grown to Survive: How the New Burke Museum Project is Using Forestry Science to Change the way we Grow and Specify Plants in Landscape Architecture Projects Rebecca Fuchs; Bridget McNassar |
4:30 - 5:30 pm |
Neighborhood Succession: 100 Years of Canopy Change Peg Staeheli, PLA, FASLA |
BIM Bam Boom: Our Story of Revit and Where it Might Go From Here Jake Woland; David Bramer |
Black Rock City: Lessons in the Dust Omar Akkari, PLA |
Magic Highway? Did Disney Get it All Right or Steer us Terribly Wrong? (Highway History and the Role of Landscape Architects in Moving US Forward Elizabeth Umbanhowar, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP |
5:30 - 7:30 pm |
Closing Reception | Centennial Ballroom in the Spokane Convention Center |

Where History Meets Nature
Spokane Convention Center Spokane, WA