2017 Annual WASLA Conference
Spokane Convention Center, April 21, 2017 One Day, Dynamic Sessions, Ultimate Location

3:15-4:15 PM Grown to Survive: How the New Burke Museum Project is Using Forestry Science to Change the way we Grow and Specify Plants in Landscape Architecture Projects
Are we growing and specifying our plants the wrong way? The Burke Museum project team is learning from the fields of forestry and restoration how to increase the survival rates of new plantings in harsh urban environments. This has implications for changes to plant specifications and project bid timelines. Oxbow’s Native Plant Nursery is contract growing 72,000 plants for the project which showcases two distinctive ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest: open coniferous forest and camas prairie, with native plants sourced and grown within Washington State.
Lead Speaker:
Rebecca Fuchs
Speaker Bios:
Rebecca Fuchs, Associate, GGN Rebecca Fuchs is an Associate at GGN where she plays a key role in managing and designing projects from concept through construction. She is project manager for the New Burke Museum and recently completed an internship at Oxbow’s Native Plant Nursery. She holds a Masters of Architecture and a Masters of Landscape Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania.
Bridget McNassar, Oxbow Farm and Conservation Center, Native Plants and Conservation Bridget launched Oxbow’s Native Plant Nursery in 2013, with the intent of producing native plant species for local restoration and landscaping projects, and providing research and education programs. She heads the nursery operations team and provides technical leadership in Oxbow’s conservation research and practice. Bridget holds an MS degree in natural resources and has substantial experience in plant ecology and forestry research.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding different native species growing timelines.
- Nursery techniques from fields of forestry and restoration.
- Helping clients and contractors understand the benefits of contract growing.
- Adapting planting specifications and planting details.

Where History Meets Nature
Spokane Convention Center Spokane, WA